Friday, December 28, 2012

Friend Request Accepted

I made it!
I made it!
I made it!!! 
I made a friend!! :D

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

so what?!

there's something we all definitely need to learn : 

 "So What?!"

Monday, December 24, 2012

如爵士乐般随性的快乐 (:

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Photo Booth

First ever 大头贴 in my entire school life, after i graduated :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Last Memory in CHKL

when the best day is spent with people you thought you'd never get to know, during the last few days of the last year in school, awesome. it was totally an unforgettable experience. the night was dark and quiet, the meeting started at about 1 something in the midnight, everyone was tired to the max. during the meeting, some were dozing off, some fell asleep on the table, some kept poking someone else to stay awake, some chit-chatting, some talked nonsense and some eyeing around. the photographers, who had a busy day taking photos for the whole day, were found dozing off at the back of the class during the meeting. the meeting finally ended at 3, everyone went off to bed to take an hour's nap before another busy day began. i was preparing myself to go upstairs and suddenly caught a shadow of someone walking so swiftly, in the middle of the night. i could tell it was my teacher and scared him by stamping my foot hard in front of him. he was in a state of shock. surprisingly, he can't stand the mosquitoes and wanted to drive home to get his sleep. after waving him goodbye at the parking area, i heard the sound of basketball bouncing while walking back to the meeting room. basketball during midnight?! with spotlights and moonlight and dark sky with so little stars, what a scene! the photographers? they were dozing off just then, the next minute they were found playing basketball in front of the hostel. there stood the three, one aiming the net wearing a blindfold, while two others making funny sounds and movements in front of the player to distract him. the ball went through the hoop! after a few shots, i was invited to play. we formed two teams and started playing. the other team was good, they kept scoring all the way. on the other hand, our team hadn't score a single point. sometimes i dropped the ball, sometimes the ball rolled off court, but both of us played hard to defend the ball. at last, we scored! we were all overjoyed. both of us high fived and smiled at each other, great game! the night went on and we practised and practised. as the saying goes, practice makes perfect. and so, the basketball court witnessed the moment my ball when through the hoop! for the first time. i had been practising hard over and over in front of the coach. haha. night, basketball, sweat, laughter, jeans, sparkle, stars, great combination. it was a night to remember, every single bit of it was enjoyable, a great memory to end the school year with. kinda magical, huh? love chkl!
dude, be my friend. ;)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012



Monday, December 10, 2012



Sunday, December 9, 2012



Saturday, December 8, 2012

唯一的线索都断了,为什么呀? D;

Friday, December 7, 2012


上弦月好明亮! ;)